Tag Archive | healthy hair

Smart Color!

As a former advocate of colored natural hair (I still am but I digress) I can admit I was not smart about the dye or process I used to color my hair. I am learning just as all of you. After falling in love with this vibrant color I chased it for almost year afterwards. The constant coloring made my hair dry, brittle, and papery. I’m not discounting the quality of the color but after one or two applications my hair no longer took to the dye. The color affecting the outcome of my styles and my hair’s ability to produce curl definition. So I wanted to know what dye brands do you use to color your hair and how do you go about applying the dye so it is not damaging. Coloring the hair is still a chemical process and time showed me what careless coloring can do to your hair. My hair became very papery, brittle, hard, and held little to no moisture. So Comment them below! The best teacher is always experience.
(The dye in the picture was the one I formally used; Source: drugstore.com)

Nightcare&Satin Essentials

Quick tip: As many times as you’ve heard it some don’t see the significance so I will reiterate. Placing a satin bonnet or scarf at night or using a satin pillow case is essential. Many who experience dryness and breakage fail to realize placing scarves on or utilizing pillow cases of cotton material are damaging to the overall health of the hair. Remember cotton is extremely absorbent, majority of the moisture in the hair is lost when it comes in contact with material of cotton or cotton blend. Ditch the cotton and wrap it up! 😉

Protein: The Balance

How much and how little protein one should have is one of the most commonly asked questions within the hair community. Many fail to acknowledge the fact the putting protein on the hair is not the only contributing factor to the positive or negative effects. Protein is a means of building all throughout our bodies. Our hair and nails are made up of proteins, even down to the structural makeup of our DNA. How much protein you have, maintain, and place in your body plays a big role I the external effects that we see. At the bottom of the article is a informational review from WebMD that explains the pros and cons of protein. How much you should have, how much is enough, and how much is too much and what can occur as a result. Poultry, beans, fish, and whole grains are four outlined foods that contain ample sources of protein needed in the body. Hopefully this can clear up the confusion in how much protein is needed in the hair and body. What you put in determines what will come out!